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Here indeed is one of the world's finest and foremost natural substances known to the natural health industry. Proanthocyanidins or anti-oxidants have closely become a household term when it comes to fighting back free radicals and maintaining good health habits. There is tons of information available in all forms regarding this product. Here we offer a tid bit of whats currently attainable.
Grapine is often referred to as the "internal cosmetic," because its wonderful ability to moisten skin, strenghten collagen and reduce wrinkles, therefore fighting the aging process. This anti-oxidant arsenal and free radical scavenger prevents the early destruction of cell life.
Another great benefit of Grapine is that they break the blood brain barrier. By increasing circulation and maintaining our personal level of cholesterol, it is possible to get more blood circulating to the brain, thereby distributing more oxygen and increasing ones alertness.

One of the greatest sorces of proanthocyanidins is found in grape seed extract. Researchers have also discovered that the red grape skins contain high contents of Pycnogenols. Other common sources include pine needles and the actual citrus fruit rhinds.

Ingredients: 20 mg vitamin C (35% of Daily Value), grape seed extract, pine bark extract, grape skin extract, broccoli flowers, carrot root, red beet root, rosemary leaves, tomato fruit, turmeric root, cabbage leaves, grapefruit and orange bioflavonoid extracts, and hesperidin

Here are additional Health problems that Grapine have assisted:
  • Vascular System
  • Impotency
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Alzheimer's
  • Dry Skin
  • Anti-Aging process
  • Liver Disease
  • Allergies
  • Menstrual Problems
  • Eyesight
  • Diabetes

...more on Anti-oxidants and Free Radicals

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