Chinese Herbal Colon Cleanse --
Tiao He in Chinese culture means "to bring into Balance".
The Chinese Tiao He Cleanse, a natural colon cleanse, has been successful for more than 20years! With such a long history and so many satisfied customers, there is no reason to be "shy" about using this popular nutritional blend of supplements and chinese herbs . The cleanse process has been historically known to reduce constipation, irregularity, and intestinal blockage. The Package contains a specially selected combination of herbal remedies, natural laxitives, and natural fibers that wont be found in health food stores.
Designed with you in mind, this 15 day nutritional program provides a more safe method of a 5 system inner cleansing process to help you bring your body "into balance".
Loose weight from the colon cleanse elimination. Start to rid parasites from the colon. You can gain energy and experience lower blood pressure.Incorporate vitamins and minerals along with a colon detox to help maximize health and maintain a good flora within the intestinal tract.
This chinese herbal colon cleanse, a 15 day program, that is designed to assist the body's natural flow for removing toxic overburden creating more efficient body function. Considered the best chinese colon cleanse on the market, each packet contains 1 cap each of :
All Cell Detox,
LBS II, Chinese Liver Balance TCM Concentrate,
Psyllium Hulls,
Black Walnut ATC
and Burdock Root Concentrate...
.and contains Cascara Sagrada, Black Walnut hulls, Psyllium hulls, Chickweed, Goldenseal root, panax ginseng and Irish moss.
Purchase the complete 15 day Chinese colon cleasnse here:
Buy Now --Tiao-He 15 Day Cleanse ==> $46.95![]()
Buy Now --Bifidolphilus Flora Forc e ==>$30.55![]()
First Time??You Can achieve the following benefits====>
- You lose pounds-5-7
- Your body absorb nutrients from your daily diet more efficiently
- It also helps to rid parasites! What Parasites Do To The Human Body
- Lower blood pressure
- No side effects.
- Detox with an all natural formulation
- Clearer Complextion
- Higher Energy Levels
Recommended use -
Take the contents of 1 packet 15 min before each meals up to twice daily (for 15 days). Do this with 8 oz. water, followed by another 8 oz. water. This should produce at least two or three bowel movements daily. If stools become too loose, reduce the number of packets you use. Continue the program until you have used all 30 packets. Not recommended for children.
Continue to exercise ( walking is great) and eat your favorite fruits and veggies. No special diets needed yet moderation works.Also a cleanse of this type removes the good and bad flora from the Intestinal System. Upon completing the program , "the friendly flora" should be replaced by using "Bifidolphilus-Flora Force"--a milk free formula that contains a high amount of acidophilus. Acidophilus (a digestive aid) is a symbiotic homofermentative, lactic-acid producing bacteria. One to two capsules per day for a week after the cleanse is considered sufficient. Bifidolphilus can also be taken for promoting proper digestion
Remember that a healthy diet of wholesome food, water, proper rest and exercise is essential for optimum results..
Detox 5 Body Systems
When using herbs for the intention of cleansing, it is important to focus upon the kidneys, liver , bloodstream, lymphatics and intestinal tract- "The Five Rooms of Your Temple. These bodily components are designed to work hand in hand, rhythmically, from system to system.
When we think of cleansing, we focus upon the intestinal tract. Since we tend to do so, also know that the liver receives and filters what the intestinal tract throws out before bodily elimination, therefore its important to keep the liver free of toxins. The Liver filters, into the blood stream or the circulatory system which carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Here, waste deposits become- clogged arteries and vessels. The oxygen now finds difficulty reaching the cerebral cavity. These blocked passages can and does cause heart disease, cold extrimities, arteriosclerosis, strokes and even toxic shock.
In the program the Kidneys get cleansed along with the lymphatic System which is designed to remove antigens and damaged cells and cell waste from within the cell walls.
Customer Herbal Colon Cleanse Reviews --
I have customers that have truly benefited from The Chinese Tiao He Cleanse program-(2-3 times per year).
One customer has reported to me that his blood pressure had been lowered. Being a man of middle age, found that his sleep pattern had improved and that there was no more getting up in the middle of the night, achieved weight loss and an over all feeling of relaxation. He is currently enjoying the benefits of Fat Grabbers and Una de Gato.
Another one of my customers decided to do the cleanse package before a weight loss program. After completing the cleanse she lost several pounds and inches from her waist.
One individual was quite espressive with her feed back after the cleanse...."Gosh I feel so lite! Now I can think!" as she chuckled.
I have benefited and continue to do so. I remember the 1st Tiao He Program that I completed. We were in a meeting and one of my friends ask me what did I do to my skin. I asked her what was wrong with it. She said nothing only to recognize that my skin complexion was much clearer. I 'm sure it was the cleanse because at the time I suffered from very dry skin especially around that famous 'T' zone. During an annual physical , my doctor recognized my blood no longer came up anemic. Since then I had gone on to use Flax Seed Oil, Saw Palmetto, Una de Gato , Liquid Chlorophyll, Grapine and vitamin E. The Same doctor now wonders what happened to that "extra click" he detected in my heart beat prior to my regimens.
- Buy Now Tiao-He 15 Day Cleanse ==> $46.95
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