METABO Max 120 caps

Six Ways to Lose Weight

Key Ingredients Make MetaboMax Ultra-Effective


is a special formulation of herbs that release more energy for exercise while decreasing appetite. Ephedrine primes the adrenal glands and helps balance brain chemistry to curb appetite. Kelp nourishes the thyroid, which controls metabolism (fat burning). Each tablet contains 12 mg total ephedra alkaloids.

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Fat Grabbers®

Fat Grabbers removes fat and cholesterol from the food you eat before they can be absorbed and stored. This unique formula traps fat molecules and eliminates them through the intestinal system. It also provides essential dietary fiber.

Cellu-Smooth™ increases microcirculation to fat stores, allowing fat and trapped toxins to be removed. It is especially effective in dimply or "cottage cheese-like" areas of the body as it reduces the appearance of cellulite.

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Garcinia Combination

acts as an appetite suppressant and helps slow the conversion of foods into fat. It also increases stores of glucose for more energy between meals.

Maximize Your Efforts

Colon cleansing enhances your weight-loss performance. Without cleansing, food and nutritional supplements may not be properly absorbed, which can lead to excess hunger, cravings and decreased effect from your supplements. Poor digestion can also produce conditions that weaken your ability to focus on weight loss. The solution? Use CleanStart™ for two weeks before beginning your MetaboStart program. Many people lose a few pounds just by cleansing!

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